Personal evalutaion

If you want an in depth personal analysis of your life, you should do all three free online test on the site s here with your correct name and email to identify your answers. Then you will receive a call on your preferred platform messenger, skype or zoom, it can either be a video call or an audio call.

In this in depth analysis your answers will be evaluated directly up against your actual goals in life, your current relationships and the general state of main areas of your existence. This takes 1½ hour, the first half an hour is used by the evaluator alone going over your provided information doing an in depth analysis. Then follows the personal evaluation where the first part is used as a briefing for you of the test evaluators findings, and the remainder is a trouble shooting session touching upon the located issues.

Price in total: $320

First to do all three tests:

(Important, use the same name or alias and email on all three tests! Otherwise, we can’t locate your answers later.)

  1. Stress Test
  2. Personality Test
  3. Relationship Test

When you have received your testscore on mail for all 3 tests, you can order the in depth personal evaluation here